On top of the membrane a thin silicone sheet is placed, and may be held in place by vacuum, to reduce tear and wear of the membrane and to secure the most optimal and correct surface depending on the panel material and surface demand.
The casting sides can easily be placed using a 3D laser placed 3-5 meters above the adaptive mould. The laser also laser-guides correct placement of panels, ornaments, letters or alike to be placed on the casting surface.
A heavy 18 mm thick silicon ferromagnetic composite membrane serves as the initial mould surface. This part of the membrane either consist of glue-joined tiles that are practical and easy to distribute, handle and replace, or a full size casted membrane.
The 3D designs are transferred to the mould from the control unit, which acts as the central nervous system that manages mould operations and configurations.
Topping the rod system membrane supporting magnets are placed, to hold the membrane in place as the adaptive mould is moving into the desired curvature.
Our own software Adapa Tools, is a Rhino plugin software that prepares the CAD files for the panel prior to fabrication. The software analyses and optimizes the design of each panel in accordance with the specific mould that is being used. The software supports files formats such as 3dm, iges, stl, stp, 3ds, dwg, etc.
A system of mould type specific rods positioned by the fork joints and interconnected between rows and lines, is essential for accuracy and low tolerance in the final casting surface position.
Adapa designed Electrical Stepper Motors turn the adaptive mould into position. The motors are controlled by the Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software in the Control Unit that communicate with PCB’s placed in each individual stepper motor.
On top of the adaptive mould casting sides of different types and styles can be used. Due to the magnetic properties of the membrane, custom magnetic shuttering systems can be used.
Linear actuators are powered by the stepper motors to bring the fork joints positioned at the top of each actuator, into the exact 3D position determined by the 3D shape in the Adapa Tools software.