Adapa is committed to contributing in whatever way we can, to reduce the impact that greenhouse gas emissions have on our planet. We urge our industry partners to contribute as well, by looking at non-polluting, environment-friendly methods of production for their future projects.
These principles influence the way we think and act and can be recognized in the fact that, we use materials like aluminum because it is durable and easy for us to reuse, just as we do not paint our machinery because it is easier to recycle materials without paint.
Adapa is built on the foundation of reusability, and we will continue to strive to incorporate this belief into everything that we do.
Development of our adaptive mould technology is driven by customer demand and market needs.
The way we design solutions, manufacture machinery and service our customers are based on the principles that we:
One of the biggest environmental pollutants is polystyrene, as it contains toxic substances such as styrene and benzene.
And yet, it continues to be used as the primary component to make moulds in the manufacturing and construction sectors.
At Kuwait International Airport Terminal 2, the total of curved precast is 300.000 m2, and the average size of precast elements is 8,1 m2.
Polystyrene saved is 150,000 m3 or 4,500 Ton - which equals 31,000 Ton CO2
CO2 emission saved equals the equivalence of a full-grown forest for 4 years covering the 37.7 Km2 area of Kuwait International Airport
In addition, the transport of 1,666 truckloads (18-wheeler’s) of polystyrene have been avoided.
The weight of polystyrene is about 30 kg each m3 and carbon footprint approx. 6.9 kg CO2 each 1 kg polystyrene, or 210 kg CO2 each 1m3 polystyrene.
We estimate that the average polystyrene used for curved one-off moulds are 50 cm thick and with an average surface of 9 m2. This means that 1 one-off mould contains 4,5 m3 or 67.5 kg polystyrene and create 466 kg CO2.
When casting 2 unique panels/elements each day 230 days a year, this equals a yearly 31 ton or 2,070 m3 polystyrene with a CO2 footprint of 214 ton.
Transporting the polystyrene would demand 69 hauls of fully loaded 18-wheeler trucks.
When casting a 20 cm thick 9 m2 precast element, the CO2 emission from the cement would be around 460 kg (1 kg cement = 0.9 kg CO2), while the one-off polystyrene mould emission is 466 kg CO2.
One-off polystyrene moulds create the same CO2 emission as the cement in an equal sized 20 cm thick precast element that will last for 100 years