

Like all organisations, our people are the ones who drive our business, and each person in the team has contributed in some form or the other in Adapa’s growth over the years. If you’d like to come be a part of this amazing team, send an email to
Per Eskildsen

Aalborg, Denmark

Claus Habermann Løkke
Legal Owner

Aalborg, Denmark

Jan Bak
Manager, Adapa Middle East

Dubai, UAE

Endika Delgado
Technical Manager

Aalborg, Denmark

Luka Grbcic
R&D Engineer

Aalborg, Denmark

Malte Tobias Thomé
Electric Engineer

Aalborg, Denmark

Mohamed Ahli
Field Service Engineer

Middle East & Austral Asia

Francois Geuskens

Aalborg, Denmark

Mads Bertelsen
Project Manager

Aalborg, Denmark

David Kos
Sales and Marketing Manager

Aalborg, Denmark

Ian Veggerby Nicolajsen

Aalborg, Denmark